Caring for your new carpet

New carpet is a luxurious investment and it is important to clean and maintain your carpet to maximise it’s life. Have an effective maintenance plan, and the know-how to deal with accidents and carpet stains when they appear. Below is a cleaning guide and tips on how to treat stains yourself, and when professional carpet cleaning is required.


Carpets are likes indoor air-filters, trapping all kinds of nasties including dust and allergens, so regular maintenance is essential. Over time abrasive dirt and grit sits in-between carpet fibers and wear away at the carpet especially in high traffic areas. Regular vacuuming is the best way to keep your carpets clean. The Australian standards for carpet cleaning recommend using a vacuum with a beater bar which loosens the abrasive dirt and debris from the carpet fibres. Vacuum weekly north-south and east-west to loosen and lift the dirt from each side of the carpet fibres.


Blood Stains
Blood stains can be a significant issue if left too long. The best way to treat blood stains is to blot with a paper towel or clean white cloth, then blot with cold water pushing down on the area, don’t wipe from side to side. Blot with cold water and dish soap and rinse with cold water. It’s important not to use hot or warm water to treat a blood stains as it will set the stain. Finally, blot dry afterwards. If you’re not able to remove the entire blood stain, try an enzyme stain remover which can be purchased at your local supermarket.

Pet Urine
Act fast, Pet stains are so problematic because over time, urine becomes alkaline. When this change occurs, oxidisation or bleaching can occur in some carpets, causing permanent stain. Blot the area dry and treat it with a diluted solution of dishwashing detergent. Rinse with fresh water afterwards. Enzyme stain removers fro the supermarket are very effective at treating urine stains and odours but take care not to overuse enzyme stain removers as they can damage carpet.
Ink Stains

Ink stains are among the most difficult to treat. The best way to neutralise the effects of the pigments within ink is to use rubbing alcohol. We recommend Isocol, which can be purchased from your local chemist. However, this can damage the carpet, so patch test this first by gently blotting the area. Never rub the stain. With ink stains we recommend calling a professional carpet cleaner for the best outcome.

Chewing Gum

Ice can harden the gum, making it easier to remove without causing damage to your carpet fibres. Place a few ice cubes in a zip-lock bag and place them on top of the chewing gum. Leave for approximately 5 minutes, now the gum should be hard, using a metal spoon or blunt butter knife, scrape off the hardened gum. Eucalyptus oil can be used to remove any gum residue remaining, rinse with dishwashing liquid and water to remove the oil residue. If you have a cut or shaggy pile carpet, you can cut out the chewing gum. Cutting away requires a steady hand to ensure you don’t make an unsightly mess.


Wax can be removed in 2 ways, either the cold method using ice similar to chewing gum, or hot, using a hair dryer set on medium and melt the wax then wipe off the wax with paper towels. Some jobs will require you to employ both hot and cold, by first scraping off as much as you can with the cold method, then finishing the job with the hot method to remove any remaining residue. If the stain keeps coming back after you treat it, we recommend calling a professional carpet cleaner.


Older stains set deeper and are harder to remove, whereas immediate action can significantly reduce the stain’s impact. For a natural cleaning solution, mix two cups of warm water, one tablespoon of white vinegar, and one tablespoon of dish soap. Immediately blot the spot with a clean cloth, absorbing as much wine as possible. Blot gently and not rub. Then lightly apply cold water to the stained area and continue blotting. Use a clean cloth to apply the cleaning solution to the stain, work from the outside toward the center. Continue blotting the area to lift the stain, then rinse the area with cold water and blot with a dry cloth.

What about homemade stain remedies

Not everyone has a massive stockpile of carpet cleaning products or stain removers available, a host of items most likely already in your pantry have exceptional stain removing properties. Natural carpet cleaners are especially useful for more minor stains. Some everyday household products that are a safe and effective way of removing stains are bi-carb soda, lime or lemon juice, white vinegar and salt (to absorb red wine stains).

If the stain keeps coming back after you treat it, we recommend calling a professional carpet cleaner.